Welcome home.
What We're Creating
Entheo Community aims to connect spiritual seekers and build communities nationwide, benefiting all beings through the safe religious exercise with our sacraments.
We envision a reality whereby all who are guided to practice with our sacraments are able to do so safely and within their means.
Entheo Community is a nationwide, non-profit, faith-based Entheist community. As a syncretic and free church, we welcome and embrace the gifts of all faiths. As a private, unincorporated church, we remain independent of political affiliations and government agencies. We are grateful that the United States recognizes our inherent freedom as Free Children of Creation to teach and practice our sacraments. We honor this freedom with great care, thoughtfulness, and a deep commitment to safety, supported by strong community bonds and mandatory education & best practices.
Your Path to Realization
Your first step is to become a member to gain access to a variety of facilitated individual and group ceremonies, educational workshops, talks, social gatherings, and more nationwide. [Become a Member]
Become an Ambassador if you'd like to host regular Entheo Community events and to become eligible to start a chapter of your own.
Sacrament Carrier
Our Sacrament Carrier ordination ensures competency for self-guided practice with legally controlled sacraments. It covers safe sacrament use & storage, accurate terminology, legal defense, intentionality, best practices and more.
Journey Facilitator
Our Journey Facilitator ordination combines in-depth training and hands-on experience to empower members to create safe, transformative sacrament ceremonies.
Chapter Minister
Our Chapter Minister ordination provides the tools and education to build a local, financially independent chapter and receive tax-free income.
Our Beliefs
We believe in the existence of a transcendent and divine presence that is the source of, and is manifest in, all that exists in the physical and nonphysical world. It cannot be named, though we can relate to its aspects using terms such as God, Source, Creator, Spirit, or Universe.
Spirit unconditionally loves us and guides us toward that which is in greatest alignment with our highest purpose. Listening to and aligning ourselves with this divine guidance brings great joy and wellbeing for ourselves, our families and our communities.
Divine guidance comes in various ways through our physical and nonphysical senses and is clearest when we attune to the present moment by practicing awareness. Our sacraments are the most effective ways we know to cultivate this awareness.
Our sacraments are the practices by which we alter and explore the consciousness in order to achieve a deeper awareness of our true nature. Specifically, they are: (1) nature immersion, (2) communion with entheogens and similar substances, and (3) other entheogenic or consciousness-altering modalities such as meditation, music, breath work, and dance.
This religious practice of cultivating inner awareness to connect to Source we call Entheism: The belief that God is within.
Our sacraments and beliefs are only for those who feel aligned with them; and we do not attempt to persuade anyone of our beliefs or practices. Even those who choose to practice with our sacraments may also choose to stop doing so at any point, just as followers of any tradition or modality may choose to stop when they feel they have outgrown their need for that practice.
However, for those of us who are seeking these practices, they are an essential part of our ability to connect with our highest divine guidance.
Join us online every Wednesday 10:30am ET to get answers to any questions, meet others, and share what's on your mind & heart .
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