Moshe Jacobson

In order to have the most beneficial experience with me, it helps to trust me as much as possible. This allows you to be more relaxed, which allows the most transformation to occur. Sometimes it's easier to trust someone when you know a little bit more about them, so here's a little bit about me!


I experienced my first altered mental states as a child, whenever I spun too fast and got dizzy!

I was raised Jewish, which was a spiritual journey in itself, though I did not consciously recognize that at the time.

I had my first experience with cannabis around 2005. In the following years I began to let go of my Jewish practice as I broadened my search for meaning.

My conscious journey started in 2009, when I was 29, with the study of Buddhism and Taoism. Over the subsequent years, I trained as a shamanic practitioner under Atlanta shamanic teacher Don Simmons, and studied a wide variety of healing modalities such as nature therapy, yoga, meditation, sound healing, breathwork, Nonviolent Communication (NVC, also called Compassionate Communication), and various forms of ecstatic & shamanic dance.

My first experiences with psychedelic medicine were in 2012 with my partner at the time, simply with the intention of exploring altered states as a way to add novelty to already-enjoyable experiences. When she and I split up, I had no idea how to find others interested in psychedelic healing, and I needed to share my experiences and questiodns. I knew that psychedelics were useful for more than just recreational purposes, and I wanted a safe place to discuss my thoughts with other people.

Having learned about the San Francisco Psychedelic Society through the Psychedelic Salon podcast, and finding no such group in Atlanta, I decided to create PsyAtlanta, as a psychedelic education and support community.

As PsyAtlanta grew, and I continued to host regular meetings, I became increasingly knowledgeable about psychedelic medicine and skilled at holding space: simply offering my compassionate, judgment-free presence. I realized how powerful and simple this form of healing is, but that few people knew how to do it well.

I also continued to use a variety of these medicines once every month or two for my own personal healing. Each experience filled me with gratitude, revealed to me the next step along my life's journey, and showed me how in no uncertain terms, I am literally creating every aspect of my reality with each thought, word and intention. These entheogenic experiences empowered me to take ownership of my life -- to leave behind any mentality of victimhood, each time revealing to me my new highest good and realigning my goals and aspirations to it. By showing me that we are all one, they have taught me to become less judgmental and prejudiced, and to become more generous, cultivating an abundance mentality instead of believing in scarcity. My psychedelic experiences have been instrumental in helping me transform into an entirely different person, continually evolving into the next best version of myself.

A few years ago I was at the Drug Policy Reform conference in Atlanta, where I met my mentor H.R. We became fast friends, and I was fascinated with her psychedelic therapy work. As we got to know each other, H recognized me as someone who could be a very effective sitter and integration coach, due to my calm presence and knowledge of a wide variety of healing and self-help tools. As I began working with her and pursuing the work on my own, I came to see that this was my life path.

Despite the illegality of the substances I use in this work, I honor my calling to this work and continue to find joy in guiding people through their journeys. It is extremely fulfilling to watch my clients transform into better versions of themselves and let go of the limiting beliefs and habits of mind that were holding them back.

In August of 2019 I finally took the plunge and left my software job. To this day, psychedelic healing is my full time occupation, and I must say it feels fantastic to be so in alignment with my highest calling!

At the start of November, 2020, I had the privilege of guiding my 100th session. Since then I have continued to build experience, guiding an average of 6-7 sessions each month.


  • September, 2021 - AEP Get To Know You Interview - Interview by AEP's Ian Wakeman.

  • June, 2020 - Psychedelic Researcher Interviews Underground Guide - Transcript of a detailed anonymous interview I gave to a psychedelic researcher about my work as a psychedelic guide.

  • May, 2020 - High Strangeness Podcast S1E2 - On Conjuring Our Own Reality with Moshe Jacobson - "Moshe Jacobson (PsyAtlanta) comes on to discuss Psychedelic Medicine, more on the Law of Attraction, and why gravity might not be real. Oh, and we talk a little magic, too."

  • July, 2018 - Intuition & Shamanism With Moshe Jacobson - "Moshe is the founder of Alive In The Wild and PsyAtlanta. Moshe dives into how he discovered intuition which led him into a healing path of Shamanism and psychedelics. All learning comes through personal experience in life, and we don't have to believe anything else anyone tells us. All reality is subjective. You create the reality you want by being strong in your mind with a clear focused intention. Moshe created a reality which married all his passions - nature, healing, spiritual practice, and Shamanism."

January, 2018 - Life Gets Hairy podcast Ep. 26 - Moshe Jacobson - "We cracked open the door of psychedelics, frustrations of perceptions, conviction, the future, human connection, death. Damn! Need I say more? It was a great time with a great human!"